se så det kan gå om du flirtar med mig

[20:42:08] damian solakis: you are a very beautiful young woman anna
[20:42:27] Anna Johansson: thank you very much!
[20:43:53] damian solakis: i wish i was 20 years younger. heheehe
[20:44:07] Anna Johansson: hahaha!
[20:44:12] Anna Johansson: how did you find me?
[20:44:37] damian solakis: i did a search on the name anna
[20:44:51] damian solakis: i saw your profile photo and sent you a request
[20:45:09] Anna Johansson: haha aha, there must have been a lot girls with my name!
[20:45:21] damian solakis: yes of course
[20:45:31] damian solakis: not all have their profile photos anna
[20:45:42] Anna Johansson: okay.. i see
[20:45:46] damian solakis: you are 19 years ols
[20:45:49] damian solakis: old
[20:45:53] Anna Johansson: yes i am
[20:46:03] damian solakis: i'm 49 sweetheart
[20:46:26] damian solakis: i enjoy intmate chats with women, but a little more older than you anna
[20:47:22] damian solakis: i have to respect your age anna
[20:47:35] Anna Johansson: ok, yes i guess so..
[20:47:44] Anna Johansson: do you have a wife?
[20:47:49] damian solakis: yes
[20:48:00] damian solakis: the marriage is ok, nothing special
[20:48:34] Anna Johansson: nothing special!? are'nt you suposed to spend the rest of your life with her?
[20:48:57] damian solakis: maybe
[20:49:16] damian solakis: the marriage is ok, but the passion and desire are no longer there
[20:49:41] damian solakis: but its ok. i should not complain
[20:51:21] damian solakis: do you have aboyfriend?
[20:51:26] Anna Johansson: kind of
[20:51:42] damian solakis: nothing serious then
[20:52:20] Anna Johansson: yes and no, it's complicated like every love story
[20:52:28] damian solakis: ok i wont ask
[20:52:40] Anna Johansson: it's ok
[20:52:47] damian solakis: so you really are swedish?
[20:53:00] Anna Johansson: yes, why?
[20:53:25] damian solakis: i cant beleive how beautiufl you are
[20:53:31] damian solakis: and thats just the face anna
[20:55:00] damian solakis: i better go my sweet girl
[20:55:09] damian solakis: i cant chat to you like this
[20:55:59] Anna Johansson: hahaha, thank you! i'm flattered
[20:56:12] Anna Johansson: why can't you?
[20:56:31] damian solakis: because my thoughts  might drift anna.  heheehe
[20:56:42] Anna Johansson: uuupsi
[20:57:32] damian solakis: what is uuupsi??
[20:58:24] Anna Johansson: upsy daisy
[20:58:31] damian solakis: hahahaahahaha
[20:59:44] damian solakis: i'm always online anna if you want to chat
[20:59:57] Anna Johansson: okay. why always?
[21:00:06] damian solakis: i do have a webcam too if you ever want to chat on webcam
[21:01:15] Anna Johansson: and what is your wife thinking about the fact that you chat with other women?
[21:01:17] Anna Johansson: ok ok.
[21:01:47] damian solakis: she does not know i think anna
[21:02:05] damian solakis: shes always in bed early
[21:02:23] damian solakis: do you have a webcam too?
[21:02:34] Anna Johansson: hmm.... okay
[21:02:41] Anna Johansson: no i don't
[21:03:00] damian solakis: its probably better then sweetheart
[21:03:10] Anna Johansson: yes!!!!!!!
[21:03:16] damian solakis: ;)
[21:03:41] damian solakis: you are so nice to chat to
[21:03:58] Anna Johansson: i know!
[21:04:05] damian solakis: hhahaahahah
[21:04:26] damian solakis: take care anna
[21:04:33] damian solakis: and sweet dreams
[21:04:34] Anna Johansson: i will

Varnar alla, akta er för mig. Bloggen måste veta allt.

anna johansson ....

Postat av: johan

haha soft peddogubbe. ofta du fortsätter driva på med han

2011-02-05 @ 10:58:10
Postat av: sarah

hahahaha skön kille

2011-02-06 @ 18:18:02

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